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5 Health Benefits of Embracing Nature and Spending Time Outside

5 Health Benefits of Embracing Nature and Spending Time Outside

5 Health Benefits of Embracing Nature and Spending Time Outside

In today's fast-paced world, it's all too common to lose touch with the natural world around us. We find ourselves bombarded with information, advertisements, and endless distractions, often leading us to prioritise materialistic pursuits and excessive consumption. 
However, it's crucial to take a moment to recognize the extraordinary benefits that await us when we step outside and reconnect with nature. One way to embrace the comfort and serenity of the outdoors is through the use of Nakie Hammocks. 
Let's explore five incredible health benefits that arise from spending more time in nature.
  1. Spending Time Outside Increases Happiness
Have you ever been advised to "get some fresh air" when feeling unwell? As it turns out, spending time outdoors and reestablishing a connection with nature is an excellent way to improve overall wellness.
Studies have shown that individuals tend to be significantly happier when surrounded by green or natural environments, compared to urban settings. Feeling a connection to nature promotes a sense of happiness that surpasses those who do not experience such a connection.
The good news is that making this connection doesn't require a significant time investment. Spending as little as 20 minutes outside each day can make people feel more alive and uplifted.
Increasing the frequency of nature consumption is made much easier to accomplish with a Nakie Hammock. A ridiculously lightweight and portable hammock can be brought anywhere at less than a kilo. It’s super easy to set up meaning once you have found a spot with a great view or just need a rest, the straps just loop around two trees and the hammock is attached with two carabiners to any of the 12 loops on either strap. It is also weight rated to 225kgs, allowing you and a friend to relax comfortably. 
  1. Outdoor Time Improves Sleep
Struggling to get a good night's sleep? Heading outdoors could be the solution. Research from Stanford Medicine suggests that increasing the amount of time spent outside can regulate body temperature and positively impact the sleep-wake cycle, known as the circadian rhythm.
While spending time in nature can lead to better sleep for people of all ages, the benefits are particularly noticeable in men over the age of 65.
  1. Being in Nature Boosts Life Satisfaction
A recent study discovered that both men and women who spent just 20 minutes in a park reported a remarkable 64% increase in life satisfaction.
The best part? This surge in satisfaction was unrelated to physical activity. Merely visiting a park can significantly boost one's overall well-being. Of course, engaging in physical activities in nature adds numerous additional health benefits.
This is why it's such a great idea to leave a Nakie Hammock in the car. It's so easy to find a spot and set up your own sanctuary to destress and turn off the outside noise. However, you'll often find yourself in such a peaceful state that you'll end up dozing off 💤.
  1. Nature Relieves Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
Spending time in green spaces offers numerous mental wellness benefits, such as a reduced risk of depression and quicker recovery from psychological stress. Studies have demonstrated that immersing oneself in nature can restore and strengthen mental capacities, increasing focus and attention.
In one experiment, two groups of people were asked to perform a mentally challenging task, like a math test. One group took their break in a green space, such as a park, while the other group took their break near a busy street intersection. The results indicated that the group in the natural setting exhibited improved focus and higher levels of concentration compared to the second group.
But how exactly does connecting with nature lead to improved mental health? Research shows that walking in a green environment reduces the stress hormone cortisol. While cortisol is essential for optimal mental and physical health, elevated levels have been linked to various health problems, including anxiety, depression, memory and concentration difficulties, and even sleep disorders.
  1. Mental Restoration
The modern world contains plenty of intrusive stimuli — flashing screens, vibrating phones, rumbling roadways — that compete for our limited attention. This ongoing overstimulation may raise your stress levels without you even realising it.
The natural world, on the other hand, can offer a mental and emotional refuge when you need to unwind and recharge. In nature, soothing attractions for your senses, from the perfume of flowers to the music of bird song, can hold your attention without draining your mental energy.
Research from 2020 suggests spending time in nature can help you feel more relaxed and focused, especially when you take the time to notice your surroundings. To get these benefits, you might consider doing slow-paced, contemplative activities like hiking in the woods or kayaking on a lake.
So, why not embrace the invitation of Nakie Hammocks and venture outside? Allow yourself to be cradled in the gentle sway of a hammock, while nature's embrace revitalises your body and nourishes your spirit. Take slow walks in the woods, bask in the beauty of green spaces, and embark on outdoor adventures that will leave you feeling more alive than ever before.
It's time to rediscover the wonders of the great outdoors with Nakie Hammocks. Your well-being awaits you amidst the beauty of nature.
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