Meet the Artist: John Smith Gumbula
The Basics
John Smith Gumbula
Brisbane, Australia
Cultural Ambassador | Senior Indigenous Creative

The Artists of Nakie program brings together talented artists who share our passion for the outdoors, using Nakie products as their canvas to express their creativity.
Tell us a bit about yourself, your hobbies, your passions
Son of the WakkaWakka GurangGurang indigenous people of Queensland, Australia, with Celtic Irish, and Scottish Heritage. I'm 3 decades passionate in the Arts, Cultural Affairs, education, tech, and innovation. I love travelling and meeting different cultures, food, art, music, life is a blessings.
Tell us about this design you made for Nakie.
'SACRED LOVE' Is my interpretation depicting common creative Cultural Aboriginal symbolisms that represent, family, children, Mother's, Father's, Elders, it is community together, preserving our culture, staying strong, and keeping Culture Strong. 'Sacred Love' is what binds us all together on Country, on 'Mother Earth'
What inspires you to create your Art?
I believe everyone is born with a gift and it grows in your heart and spirit as you get older you are inspired by people and the many experiences on that journey. I have been inspired by many things, inspired by my connection to family, my Country, the people who have come and gone within my life, and for me to continue my journey of cultural and my Aboriginal creations in memory of those who have come and gone before me.
Describe your ultimate adventure.
There are so many different adventures. One of my adventures was when I was in Egypt many years ago riding camels and horses in Cairo. We raced around the Giza pyramids, the sun was setting it was incredible. The other adventure, I was on walkabout in Yellowknife-North West Territories, Northern Canada it was winter, and I was a guest of the indigenous people, the DENE, First Nations. I played my 'Yidaki' didgeridoo on top of the hill in Yellowknife and experienced the The northern lights, or 'aurora borealis' it was a magical night and experience.
If you were stuck on a deserted island, which Nakie product would you bring?
My 'Sacred Love' picnic blanket, and nakie hammock.